
Saturday 5 April 2014

Climbing Mount Takao - Tokyo, Japan

5 years after my first visit to Mount Takao I returned to Japan eager to climb this beautiful mountain once again. There is something so remarkable about this place that I am having trouble putting it into words. I feel like it is something you can only experience for yourself. I often think I would like to live much closer to Mount Takao and visit frequently but maybe that would take some of the magic away.

Mount Takao (高尾山 - Takaosan) is located in Hachioji, a city on the outskirts of Tokyo. The nearest station is Takaosanguchi and is accessible by the Keio Takao line. It's easiest to hop on the train at Shinjuku Station. This train ride takes about 45 minutes - 1 hour.

There are a number of ways to reach the summit of Mount Takao. I recommend starting the climb with a path or a hiking trail. As you hike Mount Takao you are able to take in big, crisp breaths of air while immersing yourself in nature. Who would have thought this would be possible in Tokyo?

If you take path No. 1 you are rewarded with stunning views of Tokyo. From the lookout on Mount Takao you can really appreciate just how tall Tokyo Skytree is as you look back towards the city.

This path also makes sure you pass by all the best attractions that Mount Takao has to offer. Make sure to stop at the observation deck, the monkey park (if you have time), the Octopus Cedar (a natural treasure mentioned in folk stories) and the octopus statue. (Make sure you rub it for luck!)

As you continue walking you will reach Yakuo-In Yuki-ji - a Buddhist Temple that is considered a symbol of Mount Takao. This is where I met an elderly couple and because I was alone they decided to accompany me to the summit. I had the loveliest walk and chat with this couple. They were so warm and welcoming and had visited Australia so we had something in common to talk about. When we reached the top they even bought me an ice cream! I'm so thankful to this couple for giving me a wonderful day and I regret not knowing their names.

The summit is a wonderful place to sit and take in your surroundings. From the observation deck you can get a glimpse of Mount Fuji.

When it is time to head back home you can a choose different path to take. This is a great opportunity to take the cable car or chair lift when you are feeling a bit tired at the end of the day. You can pay for these by using your pasmo/suica card or in cash.

I have climbed Mt Takao in late November twice. Autumn is the most popular time to visit when the leaves change colour. I have heard from friends who live in Japan that the plum blossom season in February and night time visits in Summer (June-August) are also very beautiful opportunities to take a trip to Mount Takao.

In the distance you can see Mt Fuji
For more information on Mount Takao you can visit the Japan National Tourism Organisation's website here: JNTO



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